DIY: Engine Start – Stop Button, Part #2

Setelah selesai coding, saya mulai mencari bahan lainnya, jadi sampai saat ini barang yang akan saya pakai: 1x Arduino Nano 1x modul relay isi 4 1× modul voltage stepdown 4x relay 12V 40A 5 kaki (dengan pemutus 87A) 4× rumah relay beserta skun female nya 4x skun male lebar 6mm...

DIY: Move 3rd Row Speakers to 2nd Row @ Honda BR-V

Everyone sitting on BR-V 3rd row always complain ’bout sounds produced from rear speakers that too close to the ears. So I’ve managed to move them to 2nd row into the rear door. Here’s how: Open the doortrim, make a template from paper for location fitting (measure from the back...

DIY: Engine Start – Stop Button, Part #1

Sedihnya kalau lihat fitur mobil disunat oleh ATPM. Honda BR-V di luar negeri diberi fitur smart key, smart entry, serta one push ignition system. Teorinya, kalau kita sanggup beli spare partnya lalu diaplikasikan ke mobil keluaran HPM, mestinya bisa yah. Kendalanya: yang bisa/ mau pasang siapa? Trus harganya berapa? HPM...

DIY: Rusty Evader

Crap! My cheap, magnetic mount, 30db antenna base is rusting! Left rust stain on my car roof. Luckily it can be wiped out using soft compound. Temporary, I put 2mm acrylic in between hopefully it won’t cause more damaged until I repaint tue antenna base.

DIY: Retrofit Toyota Fortuner With Edix Projector

Cukup menantang karena projector Honda Edix yang berdimensi besar sementara headlamp Fortuner yang sempit. Hasilnya: Bahan: Projector Honda Edix Ballast Hyluxtek 35W Bulb Osram Night Breaker Ultimate Xenarc AE LED Acrylic 3″ (DRL/Sign) Shroud Iris 3″ Kabelset relay Converter D2S to AMP Lem epoxy Dextone Tombol On/Off OEM Toyota (untuk...